
At Compass College Advisors, we see ourselves as the “coach” of a team of people that assist a student with their own individual college exploration and application processes. While the team includes parents, teachers, the student’s guidance counselor, coaches, as well as other educational professionals, the student ultimately needs to be “captain of the team”. We believe that the student needs to take charge of his or her own future.shutterstock_352137062 (1)

We are here to support and coach the student through the college selection and application process, while at the same time helping them further develop and apply their research skills, com
munication skills, decision making, and problem solving. This process ensures that the student is more likely to find a college that is the best fit but also take greater responsibility for the success of their educational experience.

Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him.
~Booker T. Washington
